Democratic Dividend And How Nigerians Lags In Benefit

Adequate sharing of democratic dividend can be possible, only where people were able to use their willing power, by way of willingly chooses not to be falls in luring, inducive, constrain, god-fatherism, or selling out of their birthrights in selection of candidature (through vote) of whose hands of their affairs, fate and future of  their life would be handed over to.

Personal safety they says is the safety of a Nation.. You couldi be eaten up your cake and, still hold it within you palm. No way! If one's neighbour is fonds of eating the ants and you failed to notify him of its effects, probably, the scratching aftermath of its itch would surely not allow the communal have a peaceful night.

Where majority voters dogmatically accepted to sell out their birthrights (whether intentionally, or ignorantly) automatically, the aftermath usually not solely negatively affect them, but it would spread across to nooks, crannies and the people of less concern whose through negligence of that unruly attitudes would surely shared among the misery and woe of that outcome. No wonder that elected officials were  usually heartless and unworried in accumulating of supposed public funds and moves them to the foreign land.

Dividend of democracy shouldn't be treated as privilege under any circumstance. No! It is neither a benefit that should be lobbying for, nor it worthy been begging for, it is a proportional appropriation that's need not be negotiated, but it is a right that must to be reserved for the purpose of which it is earmarked and a must to be delivered by whose so entrusted with public shared proportionate of that particular community from national purse. These reasons you should see to realize, that dividend should better be shared through social amenities rather than personally gifting. It's supposed to be shared via infrastructural, facilities, social and human development etc.

Been given a mandate or chance to serve in a political/public offices under the influence of public opinions doesn't position any holder of such offices into supreme over the populace of whose given that mandate to him, but, it is an opportunity given to one of themselves to whom their eyes, ears and mouth in the national/state/local government affairs shall be represented. It is solely mean to hears to their opinions, delivers their messages, advocates for their interests, and speaks out their voices to the government.

Now, what should we say of today's political views, where masses treats
their representatives with utmost undeserve honours in which representatives are now portraying themselves as more prevalence over the voters? The moment a mandate is been merchandized to the highest bidder, the lesser the expected chance of rightful dividend on project and human development becomes.

Note that one reason you shouldn't be surprised why developmental projects were frequently going on somewhere else and nothing to be pointed at in some other zone may includes the fact that there's no way you'll eat you cake and still hold it beneath your palm. We shouldn't erase the fact that whenever any politician get compelled, lured or pushed to lavished during their campaigns, they will surely or likely want to refund the loan/grant whether victorious or lost. He must likely return the money back to where he got it during.

What most people don't understand about politicians is this, most activists of politics weren't participating in it because of either God or for the sake of better the lot of humanity. That's why they fights their way to that position at all cost. Where do you expect him to refund the money expended during campaigns if not to be using the public shared quota?

I hate buying the ideas of supporting highest bidder through viewpoint of  god-fatherism, political influence, financial power, personal gains, hooliganism, and unduly favouritism not because I couldn't myself get the chanced, but because it usually can't brings about expected benefits to the society and humanity at large.

A bidder can be justified highest, through his past social  support records like his contributions towards societal uplift, humanitarial involves, readiness to serve etc. It is not until you become financially buoyance that you can aid the needy around you if you know to feel for other's pain. A little room could be enough for twenty boys if lives in love and harmony. 

Whatever extra that you may be possessed in which made you above the others is what expected of you to sharing within society and with love, be it connections, ability, experience, love, health, fortunes etc, all this with dedication could earns you the truth from your people. These is all we need as best criteria in chooses a candidate that would not jeopardize the voter's trust, instead of bribery based selection that that had been yielded us no benefit since inception of politics in Nigeria.

Not until we feels it righteous to do away from selling out our birthright through  voting without expectation monetary gain or bribery shall the Democratic practice would benefits the masses of Nigeria.



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