Can You Treat Your Top Secret On Facebook?

Confidential can be defined as an information secrecy, kept or held in dern within a circle so as not to get leaked to the hands of wrongful or  unauthorized party.

Hmmm!! How truly secured can you protect or keep your personal profile and those confidentials in the social media?

Well, to my little understanding of many community site expecially, the Facebook, the main Mission and Vision of this organization is nothing but to make sure that every individual, group, government or aliens (no matter where they are) to get connecting data, through a means of viewing, reading, contacting and sharing of any available interested data and information, so as just to make it available for the interested and concerned persons or groups. Wanting humanity to be well aware and get connected together, that is their main reason of establishment.

So, given any self restrictions, command or authority statement apart from the pre-defined ones by the Facebook itself is really funny and completely waste of ones precious time. A friend of mine once wrote on her wall "I do not give Facebook or any entities associated with Facebook permission to use my pictures, information, messages or posts, both past and future." "I give notice to Facebook, it is strictly forbidden to disclose, copy, distribute, or take any other action against me based on this profile and/or its contents..." She said.

So, I now think that the issue of Facebook as a super-big entity, is a matter of once you're get into it, then you're already belong in it, you come in, and there's no going back. To know how Facebook make use of your "Private Data" and Information therein.
You kindly visit their official policiese website below: for terms and conditions of use.

These pages are the first-most place that the Facebook management advices and expected any interested individual or companies to understudies prior conclusion of either to join,  or register their names. Moreover, in the case of Facebook as the name implies (i.e to Face the Reality, I think). The issue of Facebook, if I must tell you the truth of the matter, it is how or what your activities seems on Facebook that will spelt out the reality about your life. Don't get me wrong. What I mean is that, if you pose yourself as been a male, and against your real sex, you later now known to be female, then, "LIAR" your friends will perceived you, or let
assume that you're a married pretending to be single, and you eventually get birth to these bouncy healthy baby boys or girls, out of joyous you'll voice it louder. No matter how true-lies you may be perfect, what will tell, will tell.

People does strange thing really on social media, I once greeted a these beautiful looking young girlfriend of about 18 for her 103 birthday celebration, immediately, my phone was rang and I'm started hearing while picking the phone "what's that all about? Why are you disgracing me now on Facebook?" I said "What?" "Why greeting me of 103 even when you known I'm not up to 20yrs old?" So I said "Oh sorry, it's just a mistake, that's what shows on your profile, you may need to look at it yourself, you'll be look like a liar to your friends now on Facebook, you better do something about it. But mind you, it would also displaced on their notification bar that you've changed the date of your birth anyway, what a liar, sorryyyyyy."

There's nothing like secret in the case of Facebook, once you get in, there's no going back. As soon as you LOG yourself ON or get yourself REGISTERED on it, there's nothing
like DEACTIVATION, and your activities would be there forever whether you believe it or not, edit or re-edited it, the original copy will still be there on their database.

If you believe that pushing on those delete or reactivation button will clean up your mess, then you're the joker of highest order, the data items will be there in separate area of the bank for your(s) or other safety reason and/or future purpose. Why? Your deleted information may be used as a reference to your previous actions while your deactivated account may be preserved for your later use or other aforesaid reason that may be unknown to you, there maybe some unforeseen circumstances that you or the said Others may need your previous to determine or judge your now or then. What you'll realize is that, whenever people or you yourself search for those deactivated accounts, you'll definitely find it, and once you try to login again, you'll see it open without stress, why?

If you don't , commanding or preventing people from making use of ones information, data or images is not in line with the social media lay down mission and vision, it is totally contradiction the intended reason of establishing their companies. It is only that it is imperative that those website restrict the use or accessibility of vital information so as not to cause much damages to the owner's privates.



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