My Perspective About Life And The Reason We Were Here

Can you see it? That the Creatures were Created in zillions upon zillion into this globe called universe is enough evidence a reasonable fellow should accept there must be one gigantic special being responsible for those planets, stars, sun, moon and unseen out there above the sky.

Same Reason I hold on beliefs that the fact that human body which consists of trillions of trillions organisms that's makes it seems a separate world/planet of itself must be created by someone/something above its likes which might had caused the incomprehensible mindsets of most of such species.

You should note that for every organisms to be formed and living, there must be a greater possibility that they unwent the same formation process that makes human a human, animals an plants or what they were. You should be reminded that aside the fact for intellectual capability, human being were also animals.

I'm still inspiring about how the blood pool of a body seems representing the oceans of the world, hairy areas such as head, armpit, private parts and every other entire body parts that grows hairs seems alike forest, jungles, tropical areas, and funnily enough, why are baldy parts of body looks alike desert!

Looking closely to that joints and engulfed muscular areas of human body, aren't you noticed that they were all resembles hills, mountains and rocks, making the flatting sides looks exactly like normal grassy land, sometimes sloppy, while some gallops in and out. What could had caused your mouth, nose, ears looks alike hollow, cavities or black holes?

God is so merciful in his greatness, Allahu Akbar! I can confirm the grace of God in my life is of enoumour. My eyes were widely open for seeing, it's seems exactly like sun⛅ and the moon🌒which brightens the world in the day time and do shifting to deems darkness in the period of the night. Only stupor and ungrateful would be unconcerned about all these facts that there must be a special inventor responsible for all these. He hybernates, shutting down and switching on individual organisms at all days, seasons and times.

Why do I always thinking that the multiludes of cells within human body stands as living creature as I am to make better active of  this strange world I found myself too? Many people yet to understand the reason we were made to be here and still doubting the existence of that whose said us to be. Maybe, maybe not, your brains homing thousands of living organisms in which all of them has potential purposes to serve beneath there in order to make you a living or make actives of that world they also finds themselves. Isn't this enough what should serve for you as a case study to answers your inquisitive mind, the questions of who, where and why were we made to be or to be here. With much research and unfollows of dogmatism, you might eventually get the questions of 'Why' a resolved.

There are so many cells that are abode within your red and white blood pool, some were there created to be living in your eyeballs, your jugular, hairs strains, eardrums, nostril, teeth, saliva, ball & sucket, bowel, in the bone, liver, kidney and every other glands. Many were there in between the layers of your skins, flesh and to crown it all, the antibodies whose responsible for the safety and security mater's of your body against invasion or external forces from the alike Boko Haram, ISIS, Al-Qaeda, other body-worldly diseases etc (e.g COVID-19) to mention little of physically identify wars that's against the world.

Haven't you been wondering why are these cells so much and different in look, actions and activities according to  their individual locations of the body? Anyway, they were to me exactly just like you and I, the whites, the red and the dark of complexions whose still been wandering and wondering about the reasons we were been created or formed here in this world, but united is what makes them a different. We should learn to live our world from the likes of the ants 🐜 and the bees 🐝.  They also found themselves in that realm but cooperatively working ups and downs, traveling from one place to another as applicable to human, trees, and some other living Organisms known and unknown around the world.

Cooperative assemblies of these similar cells form what we known as tissues, and same cooperation between tissues is what forms the organs, which carry out the functions necessary to sustain the life of an organisms, which mean,  if they can see, and understand reasons they were built, created or make to be existing in that their small world, then humanity should also be awakens of why they were made to be here.

In accordance to Science, it would require a sheet of about 10,000 human cells to cover the head of a pin, Hábàà! And, to crown it all, each human organism is composed of more than 30,000,000,000,000 cells, which simply mean, that 10k x 30trl cells would still not be physically holds within a finger.

You know what lessons humanity should learn from this article, as these multimillions wonderful creatures, I mean cells were living in unison with sole aims at making you continue living, be healthy and been comfort being you their personal world, this exactly is what you, I and the entire humanity needs to sustain our this little world too, to make it progress and a peaceful for habitat.

As I am also aware biologically, that these living cells were so little, and so minor to the extent of impossible for bare eyes to be seeing. So, is it that humanity are insignificant in the face of its Creator. So "We are nothing but like pencils in the hand of our Creator", this simply mean, we as just like little pets as cells are of little or no value in the eyes of beholders. Allahu Akbar.

In view of the aforesaid, that I hereby gives as advice that with unity, we can jointly make this little world a peaceful for humanity

- Lastbosoft


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