Walking With Alien (Part 1) - The Sign You'll Know You Aren't Safe

Lizard people, reptilian-human hybrids, interdimensional shape shifters; or whatever you want to may call them. These people are strange and all around us according my source especially, in the foreign land.
Who Are They? And, What Are They Suggest To Have In Mission?
Probably, they were believed to be Alien (extraterrestrial shape-lifter purported to secretly control the world) whose mission is to blending amidst people of the earth, drains their energy in order to hijack their world. This, most people don't want believe, simply because it's beyond the comprehension of ordinary mind mind, but this source want to prove to us and give cirtain details which, somehow makes the rumors seems a relevance.

According to the source, it was said that, to figure out whether or not that new guy amidst is actually an alien or if he’s just a bit of weirdy, all you need do is to bone up on that guy to find out a new facts.

What are lizard people?
The concept of a reptilian race that can appear human was originated in the 1930s and '40s, but, it was popularized sometimes around 90s by a British personality, David Icke, whom believes that they’re reptilian humanoids who seek to control the earth by draining humanity’s energy. No one knows where they really come from, but you don’t want to find your self staring down their scale covered eyes.
Image: Wiki

Lucky for you, the signs someone is a lizard person are mostly simple, and once you’ve read what are lizard people really like, you’ll definitely be able to protect yourself, your friends and family from being manipulated by these horrific space creatures.
Image: Wiki

The following, according to the writer said, the potential Reptilians are features with this unignorable characters as stated below:

1) Sexual Potency
The only thing that Reptilians really care about is feeding off of human energy, but there are only so many ways to siphon our spirits. The easiest way to do this is with sex. Their overt sexual nature isn't just because they like to drain our emotions, it's also another way in which they can dominate humanity.

 If a person in your life is obsessed with both sex and dominance then you may be facing down a lizard person, or a reptilian human hybrid.

2) Meat Eating Makes Them Smell Awful
One of the creepiest and most distinct thing about Reptilians is the way they smell after eating meat. People who've had run ins with lizard people claim that the odor is a strong musk that's reminiscent to a ripe armpit. You're most likely to smell this odor in large groups of people.

In order to mask this smell Reptilians try to stick to a vegetarian diet. Some researchers believe that the smell comes from the meat causing the left brain to "over-activate" and bring out a lizard person's aggression.

3) They Do Avoid Exposure To Sun
This is the most obvious signifier of how to find a lizard person who's trying to control your world. Reptilians absolutely hate the sun and would rather hang out and do their creepy work in a cold, dark room. That being said, they're very good at hiding the fact that they're overheating whenever they're outside.

If you notice someone trying to cool down heavily after being outside then, they might be harboring Reptilian traits.

4) They Are Super Manipulative
By their nature Reptilians are a dominant species of inter-dimensional creatures who exist to simply crush everyone around them. Their plans involve harvesting negative human energy and, in order successfully do this, they have to be incredibly manipulate everything around them. They can do it without stress.

BUT NOTE: Never just because you've met with someone who's super manipulative then concludes that they're lizard person. You need to be considerate of the rest of the likely characters. Are they ticking the rest of the boxes on this list? If so, then you may be dealing with an Alien called Reptilian.

5) Lizard People are Good At Gaslighting
What is gaslight? This is a methological manipulation of someone's psychology in which such kind a person would now confused to question his/her own sanity.

Reptilians lose their power over you once they've been discovered, and the best way for them to keep you from discovering their true identity is to gaslight you like crazy. If you mention that they're acting weird, they'll say you're the one who's being weird and give a delusive insight. They'll make you doubt your own instincts.

The goal of the Reptilians is to cause mass confusion so they can drain your energy. If you find that you're in a relationship (romantic or otherwise) with this kind of person then you need to extract yourself as quickly as possible.

6) Reptilians Are Emotionless
Since it is the belief that Reptilians are not from this planet, so also they seems not have idea of how to really act like a human. This presents a problem for these creatures because that's exactly what they're trying to do in order to munch on our negative energy. If you meet a lizard person you'll notice that they're cold and emotionless.

Researchers interested in lizard people have noted that when a Reptilian interacts with a human they often attempt to mimic a person's responses and facial features, but that they're always slightly off. This could come from the fact that they're constantly in a state of flux between their normal state and the human guise they're putting on.

7) Reptilians Have An Rh Blood Type
If you really want to find out whether or not someone is a reptilian, give them a blood test. According to an article by Dee Finney in a 1976 issue of UFO's Ancient Astronaut magazine, 5% of the world's population has an Rh blood type because Reptilians introduced this specific kind of genetics to the Earth in the Upper Paleolithic era - about 20,000 years ago.

Today, only a few people are born with this blood type, making them human-reptilian hybrids who are much better at infiltrating humanity than pure reptilians. While 5% may not be a lot, it's all that the lizard people need to pursue their cause.

8) Reptilians Hate Cat
If you're friends with a lot of cat people then you're in luck, they're not reptilians. Cats have a preternatural sensibility to sense when an inter-dimensional creature is near, and they don't want anything to do with a lizard person. Because cats can detect a reptilian, these creatures from another dimension absolutely hate them, and they'll do anything they can to avoid being detected by a feline.

It's unknown whether or not this hatred for felines means that your furry friends are in danger around Reptilians, but it's worth adopting a few kittens from your local animal shelter to weed out the Reptilians in your life.

9) Reptilians Wear You Down
Reptilians feed on negative energy so it makes sense that they also put off an extreme amount of negativity. People who've experienced the effects of the lizard people claim that a run in with one of these multi-dimensional creatures can make you feel like your head is "stuffed with cotton."

Being around lizard people can make you feel lethargic and distracted. You'll find it's hard to get anything finished when you're around a reptilian. Avoid this kind of person at all costs.

10) They Compartmentalize Their Social Lives
It's important for Reptilians to control the amount of information that people receive about them. In order to do this they try to maintain a social life that seems devoid of large groups of people. For instance, a lizard person may say that they went to a party or hung out with a group of people, but there won't be any visual proof of the evening in question. This complicated ruse is created simply to keep you and any other person they're draining from realizing that they're being fed conflicting information.

This type of behavior is easily recognizable. You simply need to examine your conversations, both in person and via email or text. If the lizard person in your life only gives out small pieces of non-specific information or consistently discusses people you've never met then it's likely that you've become a targeted person.

Credited: Author Jacob Shelton
Article Titled - "Signs Someone You Know Is, In Fact, A Lizard Person In Disguise"

- Lastbosoft


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