LEAKED: Secret Behind The Cabal Whom Stand Behind The Ghost Workers In The Local Government Systems

It is in viral, that certain Cabal are stand behind the Ghost Workers in Local Government System. The truth, the lies and the needed next line of actions.

The question is this: Who are those cabals whom said to protecting the Ghost Workers in the Local Government? We would like to know, the cabal, the workers and the reason why they stick behind them.

Click here to read how a State Governors lies about the issue. 

This repeating lies is what makes Nigeria seems a cursed and disgusting Nation in the face of most people in the civilized World. All these were saying in order to successfully posturize the worker as a bad eggs by Nigerian Governors, and this they does for them to be able to defalcate resource that's allocating for Local government through the State Accounts. 

As the Federal and State Government has their separate responsibilities, so also applicable to the Local Government, being the third tier government. The workers in the LG has their quota in the development of both urban and rural area being a separate entity of government. These responsibilities of the LG has nothing to do with what charges as responsibility for the either State or Federal level, as they are known as separate body of government. Nothing in the LG is to be run or be executed by the Governor or President as powerful they seems in their various jurisdiction, except for the conduct of inspection or overseen purposes.

There are several way by which Local government workers could be utilized for the betterment of their jurisdiction or communities where they were authorized. It is the State Government's handwork the stages how unfunctional and lagging behind as we can see of today. They intentionally amputated and crippled the systems of LG so as for people to tag them (the workers) as incompetent and lazy fellows amongst Nigerian workers

The workers, if could be judicious making use of in accordance to the guiding rules and regulations which structured that establishment, the unthinkable activities of the LG is so enormous that it could never be compared with State Government in any way. 

Council workers has been made to be seen as useless and irresponsible not because they really are, but because they actually lack everything requires of them to be fully functioning in their various legitimate responsibilities. It's neither that they haven't anything to do not it because they don't want to work, but because, most of these responsibilities were already taken over, while many more were stopped due to underfunding of those LG by the state government.

Example of obstacles created by State Government that leads to inadequacy of the Local Government:

1) Tarring of Local Government roads
2) Hijack of Tenement Rate -  They stop the LG but left it uncollected 
3. Stoppage of collection of Sign/Bill board charges
4. Contracting of Environmental Sanitaries to the private sector whom not  such to the Local but to the State Government purse
5. Seizure of provision of learning tools to the Primary school pupils due to shortage of fund
6. Inadequate social amenities for the use of public 
7. Unlawful meddling by the State Government on every affairs of the Local Government
8. Unruly charges on the Allocations of the LG
9. Delay on release of the Council's workers wages
10. Unduly Intervention by Governors on how Council's activities are runs etc

Since the Local Government system is neither established for money making purpose, nor it supposed to be running as private sector for other tiers government or individual, be it a Governors, or the nation's President. We should also understand it that there must be a certain hidden agenda in it, if the same Governors, whom intentionally incapacitated the workers of Councils could still expect them to perform more or beyond a reasonable expectation. 

What we realized concerning the Local government, the Governors and the so called ghost worker is that, the State Governors are greatly benefitting from joint account and they're not ready to loose that power of indefinite authority upon that third tier Government. That's why they do not ready to support autonomous for Local Government, that just the simple fact about that matter. 

There shouldn't be doubt in it, unless if someone isn't of good reasoning, that the State Government could be charged to rule over two tiers government at the same time. Who ordained them such responsibility? If we fail to understand every other things, we must acknowledge the fact that, the Council's chairmens were been enforce on us by those Governors, whether through forge electioneering process or by unlawful selection.

This is done, in order to assigned their loyalist alone that position, so as to become totalitarian or controller of their lives, and those would also acts upon their wish. We must stop being fooled by those bad politicians and Governors. We must dismember ourselves from been delude, we must stop supporting them because they are fighting for their own interest.

There's nothing like ghost worker in the Local Government. But, I they think there is, let them expose such people in public with reasonable evidence and not by just deciet towards the masses.

saying not saying this out of contents my dear. I have the hint, I have that fact, I withness accounts of the going around out there. I say these not because I'm feeling disgust or grieving against any of them, but because with them I am and I am talking as an insider whom really interested in the development of my father's land, Nigeria. 

Governors are lying and involving most legislative councils to against the Local government, this is in order to back up their reasons for agitating for scraping out the Local Government systems, and they believe it that if they could be succeeded in twisting the jugular of masses in excess, there could be a chance the masses could also turn against the worker, but this would make the more vulnerable to be deluded themselves. 

My question is this, if the scraping out of the Local Government could be successfully implementing using you people against your people, that would mean:

* The workers in the LG would all be retrenched, or sacked creating no more venue for staffing in that source again;
* Community Development services would be stopped;
* Traditional Rulers Councils would be moved and operates under the State Government;
* Local Government elections would no longer needed as the Governor would be charged with various involvements and responsibilities of Chairmen, and be rule at wishes;
* Instead of public voting for elected chairmen, vice and the councilors. The Governors decided upon whom would be a sole administrator (if such would ever be introduced in the absence of Local Councils), 

Autonomy for Local Government is what would make the better changes to the hardships that masses and workers are presently experiences. Let's work together not by rioting, but by asking questions concerning the benefits attached to seeking freedom for the government that's more closer to the masses

How would you participate in the agitation for Local Government Autonomy? 

You can be part of it, by stop believing the lies of Governors and people whom politicizing the issues surrounding it. Seek knowledge of the going concerns concerning the Local government, its numerous benefits and how it could affect the nation's economy for better. If talking about the teachers salaries, tell them, 30% of it should be deducted from LG monthly allocation instead the whole 100%, the rest 30% from State and 40% from Federal to eaten by State Governors. 

You can better involved, by identity the reason why you should collect your Personal Voting Card (PVC), go out to vote and cast your vote for that rightful candidates to those position of power coming 2019 general election. Helping the human society is more alike helping yourself and it's a help for our coming generation.

Thank you. . 
- Lastbosoft


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