You Can Check The Status Of Your National ID Card Using This Simple Step

National ID Card

Have you registered for your National Identity Card or you're now planning to get one? Have you already enrolled but cares not to check back whether your card has been ready for collection or not? Oh how carefree you are my dear friend! All is well.
To have pre-knowledge how to go about self-service enrollment, NIMC assisted, and the Mobile registration centre (CLICK HERE)
Long ago, the National Identification Management Commission (NIMC) has announced the dispartch of automated plastic Identity cards to some collection centers. But upon visiting and re-visiting to many of these centers, little are State which can adequately supply the said cards to the citizen.

However, Nigerian banking sectors are not taken the issue of identity with levity hand, they  tends to believe much in information gathered through the NIMC rather than any other source, because they think, most people would never want to lie when it's comes to issue of National Identity, being a universal requirement of personal details. So, most would never dare lies, hides or manipulate anything concerning this.

Consequently, the issue of National Identity of individual immigrant is now of more imperative, considering how countries now waging war against countries, people against people, tribe agains tribe and other religion and political struggles. It should come to our notice, that there are many countries that you can visit without necessarily need a visit. Many are totally free, while some are given specific days or months for free entrance. All you may requires to get in is your National Identity card, book a ticket and you may be good to go. 

Though, some of the countries who gives free enterance for Nigerian citizen may also requires that their visitor should process their visa immediately upon arrival, while some may give specific period of time to enables the vistors to stays in the country, but that would be for just a little while (it could be anything from 10days, 2weeks, 21days, 1month, to like 365day) depend on certain countries. This may also depends on reason for visitation, health issues, tourism purpose etc. Also, we should note that every countries do reserve the rights to change the laws of entering into their territories at any time, which simply mean, you may not be luck if the immigration law of such chosen nation of your desire has changed.

Among the Nations you may visit is including (but not restricted to) some part of African countries, Asia, America etc where the travel permited Nigerian using their NNational Identity card)

Click here to read about: Countries That Nigerian Can Visit Without Visa

- Lastbosoft 


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