A Simple Lesson From A Child, That An Adult Can Learn From It

Such a good lesson I've learnt from a six months old baby, who's striving in moving his body toward a feeding bottle placed atop a table. Since he's too young and could not walk. No matter how hard he try to move his little body, he could not move faster, he fell-flat whenever he makes attempt.
But the helpless boy did not stop, he doesn't hesitate about him shortfalls, he has focus, he has mission, his determination was to grip on that bottle, he continue striving to get there at all cost. How do you feel, when you are experiencing loneliness and misfortune on your way to success? Aren't you fed up and close the chapter for other means?

Can't even somebody come and help this poor boy? No, there are four people sitted closer to that side where his targeted bottle was located, they were there only looking at him. "Hmmm, this boy, don't you know you're too young for that?", said his careless father. But, to me, what I realized about him is that, the boy himself did not expects any assistance from anyone, he only focus on his mission. Though, whenever he made a mistake or failed in his attempt, he is still striving and put aside his obstacles, while putting more effort, using another method, and at last, he was able to get how to place his hand on the ground and moved along with his butts, little by little, he gradually advanced to the new stage of crawling, and he stick ed firm with that, knowing well that he cannot quickly make it move like dada and mama, he continuing with that method as he sees it as better opportunity to move forward.

After a long struggles on slippery and creepily survey, though, with sweat and unease, the boy was eventually crawled down to his destination. Oh, I was really impressed. What make this boy succeeded? The young chap successfully accomplished his goals simply because, he has being determined, he did not rely on others, but rather, rely only upon his dreams of making it to the top, and not ting else. He behaves like a brave hero, who know when to retreat and when to plan a new strategize for ambush

Failure Is Success in Disguise
What's an amazing and big lesson of life, starter like you and I must emulate from this little Lad. Since our vision and mission is to accomplish a certain goal, we should count our obstacle or failure as a lesson that's compelling us to do it in a rightful way, and not be seen as hindrance whose intention is to obstruct our way forward. Even all those successful business people are undoubtedly have fall and rise experience in their business voyages, it is by gradual process that they become rewarded of their past failure and for their persistence struggle which makes them expertize in those advents.

"Fail To Learn Is A Plan To Lag", In every successful stories, there must be an untold failures side, which stands as obstacle during the process. When you're fearing of being failed, you'll likely not be able to strive further. Failure exposes one's eyes to where we are lagging, we should not run away when we are experiencing disappointments, it would only turn us against our very being. Just what we need is to stick, be focus and struggle further in accomplishing our mission. We should not allow our failure to overwhelm our special being. Not that the fact that we have failed that is important, but the fact remain that people who failed once and retries do have something to learn from their past experience, which simply mean that, the manner by which the failure is viewed, i.e our perspective or attitude toward being failure should be imperatively considered as an opportunity, and not to be seen as bad omen.

The more a person thinks about the possibilities of failing, the more he may likely jump to conclusion on the possible scenarios. Let forget the past failure, and focus only on a way forward.

Get something done done now, and never relax your flex, you can become the best among the apex.


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